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As reported by Technische Universität Berlin, scientists at TU Berlin have succeeded in producing a model of the liver from human cells using 3D bioprinting without having to resort to materials of any animal origin. Up to now, in vitro research has often relied on fetal calf serum (FCS) as culture medium and laminins or collagens from mice.

This year's laboratory animal of the year is the pig. The Federal Association of People for Animal Rights reports on the various areas in which pigs are used and highlights approaches that could replace or at least reduce animal testing.

The state animal welfare officers with expertise in the field of animal testing and alternatives have established a working group to develop key points for reducing animal testing and switching to animal-free research technologies.

Professor Dr. Peter Loskill and Dr. Silke Riegger from the University of Tübingen have been awarded this year's Ursula M. Händel Animal Welfare Prize by the German Research Foundation (DFG). According to the jury, with their development, application and dissemination of organ-on-chip systems, they are contributing significantly to replacing animal models with suitable alternatives.

In an in vitro study, the scientists Lydia Kürzinger and Benedikt Pötzl from the Department of Endocrinology and Diabetology at University Hospital Würzburg have investigated the effects of bisphenols on adrenal hormone synthesis. They made some interesting discoveries.

Each year, four joung researchers are selected to receive up to US$30,000 in prize money for their accomplishments.

Together with researchers from the Hans Knöll Institute and Jena University Hospital, the Jena-based biotech company Dynamic42 has developed a gut-on-chip candidiasis model that can be used to quantify the course of infection.

In cell cultures obtained from volunteers, a team of scientists has discovered that tobacco consumption triggers profound epigenetic changes that are assumed to be associated with a long-term cancer risk. This apparently also applies to e-cigarettes, which are touted as an alternative.

On February 27, the majority of MEPs voted in favor of a proposal to ban animal testing for detergents and surfactants. However, it is unlikely to lead to a significant reduction in animal testing.

The Experimental Endoscopy, Development and Training (EEET) working group at Tübingen University Hospital, headed by Dr. Dörte Wichmann, is developing innovative models that accurately reflect human anatomy without using animal materials.