News archive

HESI: Call for Participants!

Wednesday, 13 September 2023 12:00

The Protein Allergens, Toxins and Bioinformatics (PATB) Committee is seeking partners to help launch a new project to advance methods for the assessment of gluten-like peptide sequences that could trigger Celiac disease (CD).

The proposed pilot study will test the potential of microbial derived peptides to mimic gluten peptides using organoid models.

A team led by Dr. Elisha Krieg of the Institute of Biofunctional Polymer Materials at Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research in Dresden, Germany, has developed a dynamic DNA-crosslinked matrix (called DyNAtrix) by combining classical synthetic polymers with programmable DNA crosslinkers. The new development is of high relevance for in vitro cell culture materials for biological research, according to the current press release.

An international team of researchers involving the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) believes that the time has come for a change of direction in chemicals testing. In the scientific journal "Environment International", the scientists call for setting the course and changing regulations for test procedures: "Not if, but how and when!" is the motto.

In a study of six different mental disorders and a thousand brain regions, a team of researchers from Monash University in Australia has uncovered heterogeneous, person-specific differences between individuals within each disorder. This may be one reason why therapies such as non-invasive brain stimulation to treat depression are effective in only one-third of patients.

Using a novel approach of imaging and high-resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), neuroscientists and physicists from MPI CBS in Leipzig, Germany, together with neuroanatomist Menno Witter from the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience in Trondheim, Norway, have explored the human memory system.

Drafts updating the EU Chemicals Regulation indicate that the number of animal tests for safety assessment will rise sharply in the coming years. A new study confirms this and shows that the originally expected number of four million animals has already been exceeded.

Humain Award 2023

Wednesday, 19 July 2023 14:45

Together with the Swiss company InSphero, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) will present the HUMAIN Award to five laboratories. Goal is to expand access to human-specific non-animal approaches and accelerate their adoption.

The Joint Research Center of the European Union (JRC) and the European Partnership for Alternatives to Animal testing (EPAA) recently held an informational webinar on their designathon for the use of human-specific methods in systemic toxicity.

A research group led by Prof. Dr. Anne Spang of the Biozentrum of the University of Basel has investigated the lipid metabolism process in yeast cells and human cells. The team found that a protein called Arf1 influences when and how much stored fat is converted into energy.

To analyze malaria disease mechanisms and explore better treatment options, Hesperos, a company based in Orlando, Florida, has developed a malaria disease model on a chip that integrates four human tissue constructs. New treatments are urgently needed because the malaria pathogen has become resistant to drugs. To find new drugs more quickly and effectively, organ-on-a-chip technologies may be well suited.