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The European Partnership for Alternatives to Animal Testing (EPAA) EPAA promotes the development, validation and acceptance of 3R alternative approaches (replacement, reduction and refinement of animal testing). Therefore, every two years the 3R Science Award is presented to a scientist who has made an outstanding contribution to the 3Rs. Contributions can come from industry or academia.

A German-Swiss research team led by Prof. Ellen Fritsche, head of the Swiss Centre for Applied Human Toxicology (SCAHT), has examined nerve cells from patients suffering from the rare Cockayne syndrome B. They have gained important clues about the causes of the disease phenomena microcephaly, mental retardation and demyelination.

Austrian researchers led by Sergey Sosnin, Senior Scientist in the Pharmacoinformatics Research Group at the University of Vienna, have developed a computer tool that improves the reliability and informative value of computer-aided predictions.

Researchers from Italy and the United States have developed a new, simplified immune-competent brain organoid model that can be used to study inflammatory neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis.

An explanatory film provides insights into the technology of 3D tissue printing using the technology of Berlin-based company Cellbricks ( as an example. Currently, organ-like systems can be printed in miniature format, e.g. for drug testing.

An international research team led by Prof. Dr. Eva Blasco, a researcher at the Institute for Molecular Systems Engineering and Advanced Materials (IMSEAM) at Heidelberg University, has succeeded for the first time in using raw materials obtained from microalgae to produce inks for printing complex biocompatible 3D microstructures.

The Einstein Center 3R is a Berlin science initiative aiming to develop alternative methods to animal testing. The authors want to provide a differentiated picture of the current state of research in an understandable way using examples to give an insight into daily research.

With a total endowment of 110,000 euros rewarding 3 categories, the DVES prize is one of the best endowed prizes in Europe entirely dedicated to the most advanced, most convincing scientific and technological knowledge for alternatives to animal experiments.

In its Pharmacopoeia, the United States has recognized synthetic alternatives to the blood of horseshoe crab. This allows synthetic alternatives such as the recombinant factor C test to be used as evidence for the quantification of endotoxins in medical products.

Researchers from the Department of Drug Delivery across Biological Barriers at Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS) have developed a hair follicle model for testing the effectiveness of new drug candidates against relevant pathogens.