To promote the 3R principles of Russel & Burch EUSAAT is in 2016 again promoting the participation of young scientists from around the world the EUSAAT 2016 Congress by providing financial travelling support to young scientists via the EUSAAT 2016 YSTA program.
Once again, £250,000 prize money, provided by Lush Cosmetics, will be shared by the winners to support the ending of animal experiments in research, industry and training.
In order to advnace the development of alternative methods to animal testing, the Board of Health and Consumer Protection (BGV) together with the Ministry of Science, Research and Equality (BWFG) have launched a research prize of 20,000 euros.
On the occasion of the International day for the Abolition of Animal Experiments, the alliance of animal welfare policy Berlin has organized a panel discussion at Urania Berlin with interesting personalities from academia and industry.
Under the question "Research on animals - do Germany lag behind?", Dr. Robert Landsiedel, head of the unit short-term tests at BASF SE, Prof. Dr. Roland Lauster, Head of Medical Biotechnology at the Technical University of Berlin and Dr. Mardas Daneshian, coordinator and Director of the Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing Europe (CAAT Europe) spoke and debated about about important issues. The event was moderated by André Tonn, economic journalist of info radio Berlin.
InVitro+Jobs presents scientists and their innovative research in a regular feature called “Working Group – a Portrait”. We focus on newly developed methods, their evaluation and their potential for reducing and where possible replacing animal experimentation according to the 3R principles of Russel & Burch (reduce, refine, replace).
In this feature we present an institute that amongst other things researches the development of in vitro disease models (“diseases in a dish”). The models allow to study of disease developments based on patient-specific human cells instead on genetic modified animals (animal models).
A researcher group headed by Dr. Georg Damm from the Clinic of General, Visceral and Transplantation Surgery, Charité Berlin developes immunocompetent liver cell models that make it possible to examine fatty acid- and drug-induced liver damages.
The American company Emulate Inc., headquartered in Boston will receive a financial injection of 28 million dollars to implement their organ-on-a-chip technology in ready-to-use systems for industrial application. Aim is, inter alia, an improved drug development.
With the aim to promote the implementation of new approaches as a replacement to animal experiments, the Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT) at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and CAAT-Europe at the University of Constance have launched a training course program.
The sessions of the practical, one and two-day training courses are led by specialists in the respective areas. The events take place in different European countries.
Once again, £250,000 prize money, provided by Lush Cosmetics, will be shared by the winners to support the ending of animal experiments in research, industry and training.
Scientists from the Institute for Biological Interfaces at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), headed by Prof. Christoph Niemeyer have developed a platform that can be used to study fundamental aspects of early stages of signal transduction in living cells.