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Scientists at the University Hospital of Ulm are developing a pancreas chip made of stem cells that enables the pharmaceutical industry to test diabetes drugs in high throughput. 

Researchers at the Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), the University of Tokyo, CNRS and INSERM, report a new organ-on-a-chip technology for the study of blood vessel formation and drugs targeting this event. The technology recreates a human blood vessel and shows how new capillaries grow from a single vessel (parent vessel) in response to proper biochemical signaling cues.

A team of researchers from the William Harvey Research Institute at Queen Mary University of London has succeeded in gaining cells from urine, transforming them into induced pluripotent stem cells and converting them into a Kind of artificial adrenal gland with steroid-producing cells. The model could be used in investigations of possible treatments for adrenal diseases such as adrenal insufficiency.
The Commission for the European Pharmacopoeia and the U. S. Department of Agriculture have agreed that the for years controversial discussed Abnormal Toxicity Test (ATT) for safety assessment of vaccine batches will be deleted from the regulations. From 2019 the test does not being used any longer in Europe.

Scientists from the Charité Berlin, the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH), Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, from Toronto, Marseille and Barcelona have evolved the already existing brain simulation platform called "The Virtual Brain" by integrating patient measurement data.

New PDMS combination for D3 printing

Thursday, 01 February 2018 14:43
Scientists from the PennState University, Pennsylvania, have collaborated with researchers from the Cukurova University in Adana, Türkey, to mix two different polydimethylsiloxane elastomers. Using the substance combination they are able to create three-dimensional objects for organ-on-a-chip systems. This is especially interesting for smallest structures from the 3D Printer. 

Altertox with new annual program 2018

Thursday, 01 February 2018 13:06
The Altertox Academy (formerly CAAT Academy) has launched its annual program for in vitro and silico training. Interested parties can now register for the numerous hands-on training courses, which will take place at various locations in Europe.

July: LIVe2018 congress in Nice

Tuesday, 23 January 2018 12:44

Altertox Academy (former CAAT Academy) and Epithelix are organising a 2-days “LIVe2018 - Lung In Vitro event for innovative & predictive models” congress in 2018.

In cooperation with scientists from Minneapolis, the Netherlands and Málaga, a researcher team from the Stem Cell Institute of the Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven led by Prof. Catherine Verfaillie succeeded in producing oligodendrocytes from human induced pluripotent stem cells by an overexpression of the transcription factor SOX10.

Scientists from the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and the Wyss Institute at Harvard University in Boston have developed a thrombosis model on the basis of a blood-vessel-on-a-chip model to investigate cellular processes involved in treating vascular inflammation with a platelet aggregation inhibitor.