Below you will find an overview of research groups (working groups) which deal with the development of animal-free methods or prefer to use them.
On the one hand, this gives students an opportunity to contact the appropriate contact person when looking for thesis assignments and internships. We encourage people to inform themselves in detail and learn about the research contents of the relevant institution before contacting. Normally, the working groups’ websites provide a good insight.
On the other hand, we would like to provide an overview of working groups which use or even develop animal-free methods. This is also intended to facilitate networking between the working groups and ultimately provide a building block to help promote towards research on animal-free methods – advanced and ethically justifiable research.
We aim to update the list regularly and would be glad if further working groups were interested to be included in our list. If you are interested, please send us your data via e-mail to info[at], or use our contact form.
One entry can come under consideration for several categories:
InVitro+Jobs presents scientists and their innovative research in a regular feature called “Working Group – a Portrait”. We focus on newly developed methods, their evaluation and their potential for reducing and where possible replacing animal experimentation according to the 3R principles of Russel & Burch (reduce, refine, replace). In this edition we feature important research conducted by Prof. Dr. Gerhard Gstraunthaler, head of the working group „Renal Molecular Physiology “at the Medical University of Innsbruck.
InVitro+Jobs presents scientists and their innovative research in a regular feature called “Working Group – a Portrait”. We focus on newly developed methods, their evaluation and their potential for reducing and where possible replacing animal experimentation according to the 3R principles of Russel & Burch (reduce, refine, replace).
Working Group ‒ a Portrait: TissUse GmbH
This issue deals with highly topical research into and the development of minute organ-like cellular structures on a microchip, known as a “multi-organ chip”. The goal is use these platforms in order to replace substance testing on animals. Here we introduce the company TissUse.