Friday, 04 October 2013 20:12

PETA founds nonprofit Life Science Consortium Featured

The animal rights organisation PETA (PETA USA, PETA UK and their sister organisations in Europe and Asia) has founded a pioneering international life science department, PETA International Science Consortium, Ltd. (PISC).

According to the press release from 1 October, PISC will work with industry, private research facilities and regulatory bodies on developing strategies to promote and implement non-animal research methods at the national and international level.

“PISC scientists will be at the table with government regulators and corporations to bring them up to speed on the newest non-animal test methods”, says PISC Director Jessica Sandler. “By influencing national and international testing regulations and guidelines, PISC will help countries around the world shift more quickly to modern, humane science.”

Both the European Union and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have already been usin PETA’s expertise regarding modern reliable, non-animal research and testing for some time. The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has given PISC the status of an Accredited Stakeholder Organisation.

In addition to consultation, PISC will also finance research and development of non-animal test methods. The PISC members have already invested more than € 860,000 in the development and validation of non-animal test methods for assessment of chemical toxicity, carcinogenicity, sensitization and irritation potential, and endocrine disruption.

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