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Thursday, 16 June 2016 10:36

Center for Replacement Methods to Aninal Testing (CERST) Featured

  • Contact: Center for Replacement Methods to Aninal Testing (CERST)
  • Institution: Leibniz Institute of Environmental and Medical Research
  • Research Group: Prof. Dr. med. Ellen Fritsche
  • Special Field: Education
  • Street: Auf´m Hennekamp 50
  • Postal Code: 40225
  • City/Town: Duesseldorf
  • Country: Germany
  • Phone: +49 (0) 211-3389-217, -231
  • E-Mail: ellen.fritsche[at]iuf-duesseldorf.de
  • Website: http://www.iuf-duesseldorf.de/cerst.html
  • Description:

    Establishment of human induced pluripotent stem cells as an alternative to animal testing for investigation of embryo and developmental
    toxicological potential of chemicals (CERST-NRW).