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Sunday, 28 June 2015 18:45

Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Institute of Chemistry (ICH) Featured

  • Contact: Prof. Dr. rer. biol hum. Heike Walles
  • Institution: Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Institute of Chemistry (ICH)
  • Research Group: Core Facility Tissue Engineering
  • Special Field: Tissue engineering
  • Street: Pfälzerstr. 2, G28-107
  • Postal Code: 39106
  • City/Town: Magdeburg
  • Country: Germany
  • Phone: +49 391 67-57346
  • E-Mail: heike.walles[at]ovgu.de
  • Website: https://www.ich.ovgu.de/ich/en/Areas+of+Research/Tissue+Engineering/Group/Heike+Walles.html
  • Description:

    3D vascularised tissue models, Magdeburg 3D thorax model for thoracic operations and interventions