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Tuesday, 04 September 2018 13:14

Biobanks: Working together to research better treatment options Featured

Biobanks from eleven German university hospitals cooperate with each other in a project, called "German Biobank Node (GBN)".

The human biosamples are stored frozen and will be available for research throughout Europe in future. Researchers can ask for human tissue material and use it for their research if it is suitable. For example, in vitro tumour models could be developed in order to detect unknown mechanisms, do causal research or develop drugs.

Participating banks are Aachen, Frankfurt am Main, Göttingen, Greifswald, Hannover, Heidelberg, Jena, Leipzig, Lübeck, Munich and Würzburg. The head office is located at the Charité Berlin.

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has supported the establishment and networking of biobanks with around 50 million euros over the last few years.

Biomaterial donors are being sought for the biobanks. Donors who are treated in a hospital or participate in a health study due to a disease are considered for this purpose.

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