Tuesday, 13 November 2012 20:54

ECEAE welcomes position of Commissioner Designate on cosmetics marketing ban Featured

The European Coalition to End Animal Experiments (ECEAE) has welcomed the position of Mr Tonio Borg, Commissioner Designate for the Health and Consumer Affairs portfolio, on the need for the Cosmetics Directive marketing ban to come into force in March 2013.

During the three hour long hearing in the European Parliament today, Members of the European Parliament grilled Mr Borg on his position on a number of issues. MEP Dagmar Roth-Behrendt (S&D) asked the Commissioner Designate whether he agreed that the March 2013 deadline for the marketing ban for animal tested cosmetics should come into force without delays or derogations. Mr Borg clearly stated that should he be appointed he believes that the ban should come into place in March 2013.

Mr Borg’s position on this issue mirrors that of the ECEAE. Mr Borg also said that the passing of legislation in the EU is a “laborious process” because of the need for all Member States to agree. Therefore, it is “not fair to invent new ways to derogate from it.” The ECEAE agrees with Mr Borg’s additional comments that industry would not find alternative means of testing if the marketing ban is not implemented as “necessity is the mother of invention.”

If MEPs vote in favour of Commissioner Designate Mr Borg, it would ensure that “the ban will come into place in March 2013.” Mr Borg would want an impact assessment after the March 2013 marketing ban is implemented. The ECEAE welcomes his position as a step in the right direction to ensure that the EU keeps its pre-agreed deadline for the Cosmetics Directive.

Read more here: http://www.eceae.org/