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Sonntag, 09 Februar 2014 07:10

EU-Workshop zum Thema Animal Testing

Am 19. Februar 2014, 8.00 bis 9.30 Uhr findet ein EU-Workshop zum Thema Animal Testing - Science or Tradition? What Future for Alternatives to Animal Testing? statt. Veranstalterin: Sidonia Jedrzejewska, Member of European Parliament, EEP, Polen.

Sprecher/Innen sind u.a.: Francois Busquet, CAAT Europe Policy Coordinator, Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing University of Konstanz, Coenraad Hendriksen, Animal Welfare Officer/Senior Scientist, Utrecht University, Emily Mclvor, Policy Director, Research & Toxicology Department, Humane Society International, Tzutzuy Ramirez, Head of the Laboratory for Development of Alternative Methods, BASF - The Chemical Company, Renate Weissenhorn,
Advisor, European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing (EPAA), European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry. Europäisches Parlament, Brüssel, ASP5E-3.

Weitere Informationen: http://altweb.jhsph.edu/news/2012/eu_wksp.html