Freitag, 20 August 2010 09:50

Informationstag des "Center for alternatives to animal testing in Europe"

Das Europäische Zentrum für Alternativen zum Tierversuch (CAAT-EU) lädt zur ersten Veranstaltung einer Serie von Informationstagen am 28. Oktober nach Konstanz ein. Es werden aktuellste Informationen über REACH, die US Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) -Reauthorisierung sowie die Implementierung der Strategie des US National Research Council zu “Toxicity Testing in the 21st Century” vermittelt.

Lesen Sie nachfolgend die Einladung des CAAT-EU:

CAAT-EU Information Day
Toxicology of 21st Century, TSCA Reauthorization and REACH

October 28, 2010
Festsaal-Steigenberger Inselhotel
Auf der Insel 1, 78462 Konstanz, Germany

The center for alternatives to animal testing in Europe (CAAT-EU) operates as a joint venture of the University of Konstanz, Germany and CAAT at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, to provide first-hand, state-of-the-art information about alternative methods and their use in meeting regulatory requirements.
CAAT-EU invites you to the first in a series of high level Information Days. The October 28
event will focus on the status quo of REACH, the US Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA)
reauthorization, and the implementation of the US National Research Council strategy for
Toxicity Testing in the 21st Century.

The REACH directive in the EU and TSCA reauthorization in the US are large-scale
programs to obtain toxicological data for old compounds, which prompt testing needs and
changes in methods. This Information day aims to give a status update on REACH and
TSCA to a European audience. Moreover, CAAT-EU will introduce the report of US National
Research Council, Toxicity Testing in the 21st Century which put forward the vision on
advanced toxicity testing and human health assessment. The authors describe in this report that the explanatory power of toxicological risk assessment can be maximized by employing high throughput in vitro screening assays, tests in lower organisms, systems biology, functional genomics and transcriptomics as well as predictive in silico approaches.This Information day aims to introduce this vision to a European audience by inviting some of the key US players as speakers.

Speakers will include representatives from:
• NRC (The National Research Council, US) / NAS (National Academy for Science,
US): Panel Tox-21c
• US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): ToxCast program
• American Chemistry Council (ACC)
• The Johns-Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Presentations will be followed by a discussion period focused on addressing your individual
questions. The complete program will be available for viewing mid-September on the CAAT
website and

Meeting location:
Festsaal-Steigenberger Inselhotel
Auf der Insel 1
78462 Konstanz

Time: 10:00 am – 04:00 pm.

• Free for CAAT Sponsors and Associates as well as for federal agencies, € 100 after
September 28th
• € 300 early registration
• € 500 after September 28th

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